Children's Gallery
Dear Children, Mummies, Daddies and Carers,
Are you are enjoying our videos and fun ideas sheets? If you haven’t seen them you can find them here;
We would love it if you sent us photos of the fun things you are doing at home. Such as a brilliant piece of art you’ve created. Or some of the amazing things you’ve made from the videos like playdough or sensory bags!
We are creating a ‘Children’s Gallery’ page on our website. Where we will display as many of your photos as possible.
Mummies, Daddies and Carers please only send in things you would be happy for us to share on our website.
Please send your photos to;
Stay safe, we are thinking of you all,
From all your friends at the Children’s Centre.
- Ruby Holmes, age 5
- A rainbow from the McGrory family
- Aimee aged 4 made this brilliant Pirate ship
- Chalking fun!
- Family fun with the McGrory's
- Getting ready to be creative
- Izzy and Mya aged 8 and 6 years have made
these amazing flower book marks for their family - Izzy, Mya & Aimee created this lovely
rock painting with heartfelt messages - Izzy, Mya & Aimee's rock art
- Izzy, Mya & Aimee's happy rocks
- Marcus aged 4 has created this zooming rocket.
I bet he has lots of adventures with it... woosh! - The Payne family created these recycled robots.
What a great idea! - Messy Play
- Messy Play and fun with paints
- Messy Play and fun with paint
- Oscar 3, Ruby 5, cardboard box den
and mark making - hours of fun! - VE Day bunting made by Merryn, aged 8 years