A message to all our Rutland families:
'We aim to give children and families what they need. So, we change our sessions sometimes. Please look at our 'what's on' timetable for the most up to date information.
The 'what's on' timetable will tell you which sessions you need to book on and how to do that.
All our sessions are Free! We are excited to meet you.'
Please contact us on 01572 758 383 or email: familyhub@rutland.gov.uk if you would like any further support for you and your family.
Contact details for Rutland County Council Services for families:
Rutland Family Hub including Best Start for Life services email: familyhub@rutland.gov.uk
Services for Young People email: ypservices@rutland.gov.uk
Aiming High email: aiminghigh@rutland.gov.uk
SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) email: send@rutland.gov.uk